The "Pomgolian Web Server"
By Chris Hammond
Posted on June 24, 2003
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This is the starting point for my new server case. Forget about all that 19" rack mount rubbish, this is going to be 6 string wall mount. If ever I need to upgrade I can go for a 12 string. The guitar was a nice shiny new one from Argos.

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The guitar came with care instructions and a tuning pipe. The care instructions said not to lean the guitar against any walls but to store it in a guitar case at all times. After playing, clean the strings to prevent corrosion and also only carry the instrument by the neck. It did not mention anything about drilling and cutting holes in the back. After this, I had a lot of trouble tunning the strings with the pitch pipe.

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The power supply, complete with a lot of dust was a little too big to get in the case. Plus I wanted a much quieter fan. Damn guitar seemed to amplify anything that was put inside the sound box. I might have to complain to the manufacturers...

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The modified power supply. A pair of tin snips, a hammer and a small fan did the job.
